Kotka & co. acted as Terveystalo’s legal advisor in connection with an acquisition by Terveystalo of all the shares in a Vantaa-based dental clinic Länsi-Vantaan Hammaslääkärit Oy.
Terveystalo is the largest healthcare service company in Finland. Terveystalo offers versatile healthcare, occupational healthcare, medical and examination services in approx. 180 clinics around Finland. Terveystalo’s customers include private individuals, companies and communities, insurance companies and the public sector. Nearly 9,000 healthcare professionals work at Terveystalo.
Länsi-Vantaan Hammaslääkärit Oy is a private clinic that provides oral health care services. In 2017, the company had a revenue of approximately EUR 1.9 million and it employs 8 dentists, 2 dental hygienists and 6 dental nurses.